Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 10, 2015

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Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 9, 2015

Simple Tool for Installing CHDK (STICK) for Windows, OSX and Linux (Ubuntu)

STICK is a Java application designed to make the process of installing CHDK on your Canon camera as simple as possible. It does for CHDK what my ASSIST app does for SDM. If you don't have Java installed, here is the official download site (for Mac OSX, Windows and Linux)

Downloading and Installing STICK

Download the STICK zip file and unzip it. You'll get a folder called 'stick' which you can relocate anywhere you fancy. Inside the folder are the following files:

  • 'stick.jar' - the java executable
  • 'stick.bat' - a bat file for Windows XP and Vista
  • 'stickx.cmd', 'elevate.cmd' and elevate.vbs' - command files and script for Windows 7 and 8 (see below)
  • 'stick.command' - a shell script for OSX (up to Lion)
  • 'stickML.command' - a shell script for OSX Mountain Lion and Mavericks (see below)
  • '' - a shell script for Linux (see below)
  • 'asseng32.dll' and 'asseng64.dll' - dynamic link libraries containing java native methods for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit versions).

Note for Windows Users

For cards larger than 4GB in pre-2011 cameras, STICK will create two partitions - a small FAT16 one containing DISKBOOT.BIN and a large FAT32 one for photos. Note that Windows will only let you see one partition at a time - use my WASP utility to switch between them.
Under the covers STICK issues commands and makes API calls that require administrator privileges under Windows 7 and 8. If you run STICK when logged on as a general user, without admin permission, STICK will diagnose the problem and display the message:
  STICK needs Administrator permission - start it by double-clicking STICKX.CMD
On a 64-bit system and on some 32-bit systems, even if you are logged on as an Admin, you will have to start STICK using STICKX.CMD, otherwise STICK will not be able to analyse your card. It should display a message like this:
   STICK needs permission to analyse disk
and the log will contain a message like this:
   Failure checking device '\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2' - error 5
If you see this message, or are running a 64-bit Windows system, terminate STICK and double-click the STICKX.CMD file. This will display a dialog allowing you to temporarily 'elevate' yourself to Admin level by selecting a user account with these privileges. STICK will then run properly.
Unfortunately this temporary elevation breaks drag-and-drop (it's a known Windows problem) so you will have to use the Browse button to locate a photo.